Funky Delivery is the worldwide leader in anonymous fun. Funky Delivery provides anonymous shipping of products for people who have a funky sense of humor – just like us.

Yeah. You read that right. Anonymous shipping of products.
Why would you want to do that?
Impact. Magical, humourous, mischievous, mysterious impact.
We will hand-write your personal message on, or along with, the item of your choice and send it from one of our unlisted U.S. mailing addresses to someone you know. When they open it, they’ll have no idea that you sent it. They’ll call everyone they know, post it to their social pages and go crazy until you let them know that you were the mastermind behind one of the most memorable things they’ll ever get in the mail.
Or you can include your name in your message so they know right away that you were behind it. It will still be fun for them as they receive and open something postmarked from an unexpected part of the country (or world). And if it’s a glitter bomb, then they’ll already be sparkling by the time they see your name.
If it’s a glitter bomb letter, we’ll pack enough glitter in the letter so they’ll be finding sparkly specs for weeks. If it’s an Original Glitter Bomb Card or an item sent using Annoyance Glitter Packaging, then you’ll be pulling an extra-surprising prank. So go ahead, glitter someone if that’s your thing. Which it should be because it’s a hilarious thing.
How about sending a potato? Smashing idea… Do it! Rather send a sweet potato? Sweeeeeet.
Send someone a brick? Really? Yep, really. Your message on a real brick. One of the most popular things ordered with good reason. It’s unusually awesome.
Someone’s birthday coming up? 4-words: Birthday Glitter Bomb Card. Send them sparkling happy birthday wishes. Someone invite you to their birthday party? You can have it delivered to you so you can hand it to them yourself.
Speaking of birthdays, our fake scratch off lottery ticket birthday card is a riot!
A niece or nephew just graduate high school or college? Send them a Graduation Glitter Bomb Card.
Funky Delivery is the brain-child of the enigmatic Haas Avo. Haas is the creator extrordinaire of Funky Avocado, the website that takes a satirical look at the entire universe. Which is really amazing, if he does say so himself. Which he does.
Note: This is all for fun. Please use common sense and make sure you understand our terms and conditions. We don’t allow anything threatening and some items include our name or website (like potatoes and bricks). If being found out might get you in real trouble, then don’t do it.